How can I view my booking information?

Modified on Tue, 22 Oct, 2024 at 11:51 AM

Simple! You can view your booking and payment information anytime by heading over to the ‘My Bookings’ section of our website.

If you don't have an account, simply click on ‘Create Account’, enter the email address you used to place the booking and then choose a password. Once you're logged in, you'll be able to read all about your booking and make amendments yourself without having to call us. We're all about making your life easier.

If you would like to see your cost summary or a breakdown of the cost of your booking select 'View Paperwork' and all information can be found there. If you have already selected 'View and Manage Booking' you can still find your paperwork under 'Booking Information' by selecting 'Manage Paperwork' and you have the option to view or resend to your email.

Don't worry though, if you still need to contact us about your booking then you can get in touch with us via our Live Chat, in the ‘Manage My Booking’ section.

Our customer service team are available to help on Live Chat between the hours of Monday - Friday 8am - 6:45pm and Saturday - Sunday 9am - 4:45pm.